~ It's Time to Share the Good News!~
Matthew 11:16-18 ~ “But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions, and saying: ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we mourned to you, and you did not lament."
Matthew 11:16-18 has been on my mind for quite some time. I have been thinking about this generation I have been allowed to mature with and I have been considering as time draws near until our Saviors return, that such scriptures would resound in the heart of those who caught a glimpse of Jesus but never retained what the believer was trying to share about Him and life without Him!
I considered us when we witness to others and if only they knew, at times our hearts were pounding, palms were probably sweaty, doubt, fear and "is this really happening King Jesus!", was all taking place. Yet, for the most parts of even desiring to witness, is with our hearts singing and dancing before God in spirit, hoping they would hear and receive the Jesus who saved our souls!
I will be honest, as a young believer, I didn't do it well. I mean I did do well if I just gave you track, but when I witnessed and they didn't receive; NYC street evangelist' taught me, you better tell them where they going...."You know you going to hell?" I was sobered up to that approach and realized that compassion, purpose, and joy is all included in our desire to share the Jesus that saved us, not just what happens without Him.
I am sharing this today because I am hearing now...."Prepare!"
Now is the time to get straight on to the path that will make us ready for Christ' return, but make us ready also for what the Word of God says will take place before He does.
My encouragement today is while we are still making ready, lets consider some friends, family, neighbors, possibly even people in our lives that are just acquaintances, we may not want to hang out with them, but in conversation it is still worth throwing out a fishing hook for an invitation to Salvation.
The best part about witnessing, is God does most of the work, we are just whistling (dancing and singing) while we work for Him! I pray the Lord will make us bold and courageous.
I pray He will keep us calm, cool and full of Love and lots of prayer too!
I pray we don't overthink it, and we allow the Holy Spirit to usher us in subtly.
Most of it all is in the listening to the heart of man, and this means that we need guidance through the Holy Spirit, to help us learn to discipline ourselves to talk less, and listen more.
Being present, attentive, mindful, alert and watchful for where God is working and made ready for the "one" He will place in our paths.
Matthew 11:16-18; Luke 9:3; 1 Corinthians 3:6
Be Encouraged Beloved! The Lord does not abandon and He will not forsake us!