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Wisdom from: The Elder's Purse!

Topic: You, have to Believe!


Trusting myself has almost always led me down a path that eventually held me accountable to the outcome of my decisions. In my past life, I relied solely on me. Even in a long-term shacking up relationship, I could never rely on a man, so I always made sure that when my back was up against the wall, I handled my business.

I wasn’t the type of person to be big on materialism. My greatest priority was making sure the bills were paid; my kid’s bellies were full, and we could turn the lights out at night peaceably. I remember as a new believer, it was time to move from one state to another.

By faith, back in 2004 the Lord provided the resources in full of what I needed to get from point A to point B. As we settled into our new state, and our new home, things began to weigh on me a bit, considering I had just moved from NYC to GA and I had no job, no car and the roads were very long!

It is because of faith and believing that God didn’t allow us to move that far by faith, that He would abandon us in faith. I thank God that me and my children prayed together!

Well! Praise the Lord! I will confess that the Lord began to draw people to us, through my children making friends, through meeting neighbors and attending a local church. The Lord allowed abundance to flow in just because “I believed” He would. While my children and I remained the course of pursuing Jesus, in prayer and by faith, the Lord provided our needs and covering according to His riches of His promises. Before I knew it, the Lord blessed us with fellowship, a car, washer and dryer, a job and friendship that has been anchored in the Lord, and all because of Faith!

As a new believer in Christ, the enemy will be the greatest distraction and sometimes He will show up subtle, but most often than not, he does catch us by surprise with an upper cut to the gut. Those are moments that yes, it may seem easier to surrender to the will of our flesh and run to resolve whatever issue has risen. Yet, let us consider what Jesus has given us to hold in our hearts and pray about it, that we may see this come to pass through our faith, even when our flesh tries to talk us into our own answers.

Pray for your worries, anxieties and fears to be silent and pray that the Lord will lead you to the exact part of your day, lead you to the right conversation if you aren’t seeking His word, to help you understand how He is using that very uncomfortable moment to build up your faith and your trust in Him.

You are important to the Lord. Your wellbeing, your covering, your protection and your needs are all important to the Lord. Though today, your needs while seeking God may be your “top” priorities, I know by faith and by experience that when we put our trust in the Lord to work it out, He will exceed our expectations.

So, let’s not worry anymore, now that we have put on Christ, what the old us wants to do, but let us consider what the Word of the Living God says to do!



Reflect to Grow


What areas do you struggle, or willfully wrestle with God to trust His will and guidance with your new life in Christ?



Pray that whatever and wherever we lack wisdom, and knowledge, or even strength for this area that the Lord according to His promises will provide understanding to the root and guide us to our deliverance in Jesus’ name.





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