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What You Called Me? - Genesis 1:27


Updated: Feb 9, 2023

"What you called me?" Man, I remember growing up these were fighting words! Most of the time it was a response to a derogatory term that the offended needed to put someone else in their place. The point was letting someone know who you are and they better recognize who they addressing!

Wow, I can even remember being this way. Yet, when I got saved and as my walk continued, as I grew in the word, as the test and trials came, the one thing that was and is still a relentless tool of the enemy, is for the enemy to always try his best to get you to forfeit your identity in Christ!

When tested in the natural, how easily as a child of God we can find ourselves buckling and running. What a difference accepting Christ makes in our lives, for some, not all! Growing up in NYC, being a survivor of the ghetto and the tough skin, we acquired enduring that environment made us tough to what we could see. Yet, when coming to Christ, faith in God's word and in what He says, is what we rely on to fight for us without seeing! So, how are we now responding to our enemies?

One of the things we can say for sure about God is, he is a wordy God! I don't share this with any disrespect, but more so to point out the obvious. We were meant to open our mouths and speak, but when we do, what is coming out? When we speak, are we creating, moving, causing and developing? Or, when we speak are we destroying, demolishing, tearing down and eliminating? Though we know we have been created in God's image in the spiritual, who and what are we operating in, in the natural?

Many years ago, when I was growing up in NYC, I remember the negative way to get someone's attention was to call them out of their name. Before coming to Christ, I surely believed a lot of lies about myself because of being called out of my name. These first lies began at home, then at family gatherings, then at school, then at the playground. It ensued throughout my years growing up into my adolescence, my young adulthood and even into the years of being a full-grown adult. I learned after many trials and tests that my identity was never attached to my upbringing or what street I lived on. Who lied to me, abused me or discarded me. My identity has nothing to do with whom God allowed me to come through, but who I came from. Today, I speak this and write this with absolute confidence that my supreme identity is in Christ Jesus! The word of God attests to it and has been sealed in blood to honor its truth. I am called to confess him, believe him, obey him and walk in him and when called out my name, ascribe my identity to the Most Hight God, I pray today you will too!

Prayer: Father God, I thank you in Jesus name that you are in those moments when we are either looking in the mirror, or whether we are purchasing an ancestry kit to do it at home to unfold our identity. Though we do embrace our heritages, our culture and nationalities, nothing can ever measure up to our identity that is woven so perfectly in the Cross that Jesus hung upon for our sins and so that today we may walk in your glory, in your honor and in your truth that our substance is in something amazingly dynamic, You! I am a child of God, who is my Creator and Redeemer. I am a child of royalty and righteousness. I am seen and heard by you. I loved and covered by you. I am protected and taught by you. I am who you say I am! I thank you that my heart leaps for joy in the worship and praise of being called a child of the Most High God.

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