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The Complications of Simplicity ~ His Yoke "Easy", and His Burden "Light"

Matthew 11:28-30 ~ "v.28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am [a]gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

When Jesus said..."My yoke is easy, and my burden is light", He was speaking the truth, and the truth about something profound that I don't think, we as the body have fully come to grasp. I consider that we, for our own reasons refuse to either understand it, or have made peace within ourselves to refuse to subscribe to it.

I consider what imaginations can be conjured up in our flesh to convince ourselves that we can plant bad seeds, and believe we would produce good fruit?

How we make plans, that utterly never ever prevail, and still, defiant we won't turn to the Lord for guidance, we have become arrogant even to the point of glorifying and delighting in our shame and failures?

Let's consider further, how we continue to come in the back way, in our lives, instead of through the head of the line where we have always been when we accepted and received Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Who do we think we are?

I've gathered that we have either forgotten or never took time to READ about it..... Here let me help! - "We are "supposed" to be raised up, and seated together in the heavenly realms where "wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the Lord reigns in us and through us..... yet, whom among us wants Peace, Rest, Good Health to the Bones, and Clarity? (Ephesians 2:6)

We choose chaos over peace.

We choose confusion over clarity.

We choose rebellion instead of cooperation and have the audacity to speak into the atmosphere "nothing ever goes our way!"

Sin was never designed for us to have our way! It was designed to lead us in the path of destruction, to fill our hopes and dreams with lies, and finally cause us to die spiritually and eventually physically, either way, Eternally!

If we leave no room for the Lord to yoke us to His righteousness, and we leave no room for the Lord to burden us with His Kingdom vision then what life are we living for Christ?

I consider the gardens we have been planting in and the wells we have been drawing water from. And for most of us, we are trying to do life from our past arsenals and wits. At times we are led by previous familiarities such as places, people and things that neither edify us or cause us to grow, but keep us bound to a situation that without the spirit of the living God and His word will find us gravely parched and if not careful where the Lord Himself will throw off even the opportunity to grasp at His yoke and even partake in His burden.

I pray we take time after time to reconsider who we are, and Who God says He is in Us!

The Way, the Truth and the Life.....His Yoke, really is easy and His burden brings and gives light!

Until Next Time Beloved, Read the Word to Know Him!

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