2 Cor 12:9 ~ And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
In a time of following the masses, and getting ourselves exposed, seen and heard through social media, I find a new generation of believers holding fast to false narratives. Tales laced with self-preservation, as believers.
Weaved through continuous post are these created tales about what we deserve and what we don’t! 99.99% of the time, it equates to something desired, but rarely is it the presence of God!
Believers are embracing a new language, as those who came before us who tried building the Tower of Babel (Gen 11:1-9), where they thought to begin to rise above The Creator of all living things.
If we pay close attention, it seems as though the language is subtle, but no, the language has gained momentum and is now full grown.
How brazen we are becoming on our social platforms, as though steering God with a carrot to perform our ill ‘words’ and bless our sinful desires, instead of bowing to the Master, and confessing that He alone is God, and we alone are wretched sinners saved by grace. (Eph 2:8-9)
The evidence of God surrounds every believer and though we do life, and carry much in this life, we are still subject to the holiness and sovereignty of God to acknowledge and declare that JESUS DESERVES ALL GLORY, HONOR AND PRAISE.
Let us read the Living Word to know God and let us ponder that when we are not fostering and nurturing consistency in reading the word, meditating, praying and worshipping God, we tend to forget how awestriking, comforting and exchanging God’s Presence is.
We forget that God’s presence is His provision for us
and that is what we owe to ourselves as believers, for without the Blood, we deserved eternal separation from the Creator!
If not mindful, we will easily see, if we truly want to see, that we will forget who died on the Cross and paid the price for us, yes US, the underserving sinners, for it is by grace we have been saved.
God never sent His son to die so that we can create false narratives of what we think God’s provision should look like for us. Read the Word!
We are missing the whole true purpose of why He died and what we needed in His death, to live and be made clean!
Made clean from what?
From an evil and wicked mindset that believes this is about us and what we deserve in coming to Christ!
The word of God warns us of taking delight in those little bits of yeast (1 Cor 5:6); that’s where we will find false narratives, for in just a little while that little bit of yeast turns into a whole loaf of bread and that is the false doctrine we begin to build upon, instead of the invitation that was given by the Spirit of the Living God that led you to accept Christ in the first place.
I pray that we will be fully developed by God’s truth and not false narratives or doctrines, that don’t allow us to surrender to God, but our sinful nature will build upon false strongholds, false arguments and high things that exalts themselves against the knowledge of God. (2 Cor 10:4-6)
Be sober minded to know that not one of us is holy, righteous or pure (Rom 3:10-12). No, not one of us woke up thinking “I want Jesus!”
All were led, inspired and sanctified by the Blood of the Lamb and then by the word of our testimony. (Rev 12:11)
Until Next time Beloved, Read the Word to Know Him!
2 Cor 12:9; Gen 11:1-9; Eph 2:8-9; 1 Cor 5:6; 2 Cor 10:4-6; Rom 3:10-12; Rev 12:11