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Bow in His Arms!


New oil & New Wine! ~ 2025!
New oil & New Wine! ~ 2025!

Rejoice in Your New Year with the Lord!


Proverbs 16:9 ~ A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.

Proverbs 16:23 ~ The heart of the wise teaches his mouth and adds learning to his lips.

Thank you Lord for answering this prayer and bringing your righteousness to pass in our lives in Jesus name!


Lord, here I pray this prayer for myself and the brethren as we close for the remainder of this year and gird our loins for the beginning of a New and Transforming Year in Jesus name. Amen!


I pray Beloved in Christ that we can come running back to the heart of worship. Remember the Name of the One God who delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt. Remembering and taking delight in our salvation and anchoring it again with the joy from when we were first saved. Hallelujah!  

I pray today we can actually become children, little children of God, humbled and willing to follow, listen and obey the voice of the One True God who gave His only begotten son Jesus to die upon the Cross for the sins of this world! That we may live for His glory and bring glory to His name.

I pray today we can stop hiding behind “self-righteousness, pride, arrogance, haughtiness, self-preservation, the performance, and the high maintenance. Greed, sex, drugs, alcohol, adultery, fame, need of acceptance, self-determination, gossip, backbiting, corrupted determinations, lofty imaginations, the I am grown mentality, and I need no one mentality and I already know it all mentality.

Lord cleanse us through the blood that we may be blameless in your sight!

I pray we can come out from the desires, schemes, plots and plans of the sinfulness of this flesh and surrender our heart, mind, spirit and soul to the Father and be set free, us and generations to come through and by the Blood of the precious Lamb of God!

I pray against the spirit of shame, guilt, doubt, lies, unbelief, strife, confusion, distraction, and procrastination. We close these doors now, and come with thanksgiving and praise, rejoicing with hearts full of jubilee, knowing that God is willing and able to turn it all around for our good and His glory!

I pray the Lord through the Holy Spirit will touch and dig deep down into the heart of our matters, our concerns, our struggles, and our strife and give us confidence to leave it at His altar. I pray He speak that we confess our weakness, and short comings, giving God glory that He is willing and able to save, mold, shape, transform, instruct and make new!

I pray the Lord close the door on the hand that comes to steal, kill and destroy and restore what the enemy has stolen in Jesus name. Give God praise for our salvation is nearer than ever before!

I pray family be restored, salvation, deliverance, healing over their mind, heart, and soul. I pray love, mercy and grace be restored. I pray compassion, love and peace be restored.

I pray our language be changed to Light that we may give God glory and praise Him in unison!

I pray we can grow up from our immature emotions and feelings from past hurts, church hurt, insults, offenses, indignations, misunderstandings, foolishness, ignorance, false teachings, false prophecies, false laying of hands, envy, rejections and pains.

I pray we can confess where we fell away from the Lord, and pray that we be lifted up again to praise Him, be thankful and Give Him Glory!

I pray we will die to the misunderstandings of hate and be restored to love as Christ loves the church. I pray we come to know the author of love, and move with Him in His love.

I pray we lay down our false understanding of love. Our false understanding of peace and forgiveness, and truly come to the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the One who Created Love, Peace and Forgiveness through His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ!

I pray today we come to fully know the King, and rejoice in His salvation and be thankful that God desires for us to be well in every area of our lives, even the ones we are trying to hide, push under the rug, avoid, and be distracted from, for the untouchable grown man and woman.

I pray the Lord search the deep true things in our hearts and work with us in Jesus name to uproot what is rooted from our past lives, and now be transformed and made new by His hand, His deliverance and Healing, that we may tell others of what He has done in us, and through us! How He changed us from darkness to light and How He still has a perfect plan for us all in Jesus name! Amen and Amen!



God bless you and your household in Jesus name Beloved and Happy New Year in the Lord!


Until Next Season Beloved, Read the Word to Know Him!



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